Repertory Etude Online Workshops are designed as a type of “mini-course:” a brief but in-depth study of a choreographer. With opportunities to explore movement phrases and discuss the context and history of the choreographer, RepEtude Online Workshops are a meaningful experience for active and dormant dancers,* choreographers, performers, and teachers.
*Rather than the usual term "former dancer," Dancing Legacy believes that people are always dancers even if they aren't actively dancing in a regular way, didn't pursue it professionally, or have "retired" from their professional careers. The dancer side of them hasn’t ceased to exist; it is just dormant!
March 2024: Battleworks Etude Workshop
The Battleworks Etude Workshop offers participants a chance to learn choreography by Robert Battle. Battleworks Etude includes movement elements from four of Robert Battle’s signature works — Flock, Jewel Lost, The Hunt, and Rush Hour — representing the early years of Battleworks Dance Company (2002-2010).
The Battleworks Etude Workshop will be held in 2-hour zoom sessions for 4 Saturdays in March. Participants will take class together and learn Battleworks Etude material at a gentle pace with the option (not a requirement) of performing it during the Mini-Fest.
Saturdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23
11:00am-1:00pm Eastern |
Watch an excerpt of Battleworks Etude!
Members: $64
All Memberships get a 20% discount on programs.
Non-Members: $80